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民国时期“中华国族”概念的运用、入宪讨论及典型阐说………………………………… 黄兴涛/001
民初省制问题争议 ……………… …………………………………………………………………… 邹小站/036 
清遗民身份认同研究……………………………………………………………………………… 郭双林 董 习/097
从评议政治转向思想启蒙:民国初期张东荪的心路历程  ……………………………  左玉河/129
传媒视域下“问题与主义”论争及《星期评论》、《每周评论》的南北呼应  ……王天根/170
张东荪与社会主义论战中的“英国道路”问题    …………………………………………………   高  波/184
北洋政府史研究中的三对关键词  …………………………………………………………… 李细珠/195
民国学术史研究的一点思考  ………………………………………………………………  李  帆/200
西方学界蒋介石研究的范式转移与取向变迁    以英文论著为中心的探讨  ………… 魏兵兵/215
民国北京之史的研究:以近十年为中心的检视  …………………………………………………   陈  鹏/243
用性别解读城市  评程为坤《劳作的女人》  ……………………………………………………   杨剑利/269
《武兆镐家书》简注   …………………………………………………………………………………… 郭双林整理/282
Contents and Abstracts    ……………………………………………………………………………………………    /333
稿    约   ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   /339

Contents and Abstracts

The Application, Interpretation, and Constitutional Discussion of the Concept of “ZhonghuaGuozu” in the Republic of China

                                                          Huang Xingtao

Abstract: “Zhonghuaguozu” or the Chinese State-nation is a new, complex political concept, which was closely correlated with another concept, “zhonghuaminzu” or the Chinese Nation. This new concept derived from another concept that was seen in late Qing and early Republican era, “the State-nation”. This new concept was first used in the late 1920s and 30s, and was adopted by the draft version of the 1935 May Fifth Constitution. This article discusses the process in which this concept was formed, its various connotations, how it was adopted, and finally the differentperspectivesand disagreement among the high-ranked Nationalist elites when this concept was adopted by the draft version of 1935 Constitution. This essay will also analyze the mode of thought as represented by the Republican anthropologistRuiYifu whose writing represented the theory of “the Chinese state-nation”.
Key Words: Chinese State-nation;  Chinese Nation;  May Fifth Draft Constitution;  Sun ke; Rui Yifu

The Dispute over Provincial System in Early Period of the Republic of China

Zhou Xiaozhan

Abstract: Starting from late Qing, the provincial system increasingly gained influence. It was the independence of provinces that marked the 1911 Revolution, or the Xinhai Revolution. The new Republic of China was a republic of all those independent provinces, and federalism was once a promising proposal of political constitution in the Republic of China.  One of the ideological motivations of Xinhai Revolution was to reinvent politics in order to save the Chinese nation. As such, statism became very influential after the revolution. It was so powerful that statism and strong centralism became popular in publicsphere.In this case, how to recreate those independent provinces, and how to adjust the relationship between the central and local governments, became the hot issues in the circles of politicians and intellectuals in the Republic of China. At that time, there was a serious lack of mutual trust amongthe major political powers. After the old imperial power collapsed, the new central power experienced difficulty in transforming itself from a power that relied on military power and autocracy into one that relied on law and order. This made it more difficult for the elites of the early Republican era to deal with the relationship between the central and local governments, especially on a provincial level. In face, this became the important reason for the rise of local warlords in the following decade.
Key Words: The Early Republic; Provincial Power; Political Pattern; Military and CivilianDivision;  Elected Province Governor;  Dissolution Rights of Provincial Parliament

A Study on the Identity Formation of the Qing Adherents

Guo Shuanglin   Dong Xi

Abstract: The Xinhai Revolution in 1911 brought to an end thedynastic history of China, and embarked on a new era of democracy and republicanism. The adherents of the Qing Dynasty, under the pressures from nationalism and democracy, desperately sought for their a new identity and attempted to arouse self-consciousness among themselves as well. This was done through various cultural practices, including compiling martyrdom literatures, adherents’ records, and drafting the history of Qing. This article discusses the identity formation of the last generation of the Qing adherents amid the debate over what is old and what is new. This article tries to reflect the painful and complex transition from an imperial system to the republican and hopefully provides a new perspective for the study on the History of the Republic of China.
Key Words: Adherents of Qing Dynasty;  Identity;  Martyrdom in Xinhai Revolution;  Draft History of Qing

From Political Criticism to Ideological Enlightenment: the Experience of Zhang Dongsun in Eerly Period of the Republic of China


Abstract: In early period of the Republic of China, Zhang Dongsun published a large number of political commentaries, including the nature of the congress and constitution, the system of presidential and cabinet, the jurisdiction of the president, the system of administrative judgment, budget system, federal system, and the localautonomous system, which made a considerableimpact on the thought circle. However, these commentaries did not affect the realpolitik. Zhang felt disappointed about his early political career, and thought that it was impossible to set up the republic in China, for the reasons of political revolution too fast and social revolution too slow. So he turned his interests into the field of thought and culture. In 1917, he inheritedShishiXinbao, and set up Xinxuehui, and founded Xuedeng, JiefangyuGaizao, from a political commentator to anenlightenment thinker, and became an important representative in the May 4th New Culture Movement.  
Key Words: Zhang Dongsun;  Early Period of the Republic of China;  Political Criticism; Ideological Enlightenment

From the Media Perspective on the Argument of “Problems and Doctrines” and the Echo of XingqiPinglun and Weekl Review

  Wang Tiangen

Abstract: With the western ideology and culture entering into China, the carrier of consensus became more and more important, which involved the discourse of modern state, social and ideology. The Argument of “Problems and Doctrines”, was related to Hushi’s attitude to two Principles of People's Livelihood, one from Anfu group, another from Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People, both academy and politics. As the important consensus carrier, both the journal of Meizhou Pinglun in Beijing and the journal of Xingqi Pinglun in Shanghai, joined the argument. This article discussed the analysis framework of consensus space, and its relationship with political agenda.
Key Words:  Problems and Doctrines;  Weekl Review;  Xingqi Pinglun

Zhang Dongsun and the Problem of “The British Way” in the Debates onSocialism

Gao Bo

Abstract:In the debates on socialism, a major theme was the comparison between the Russian Way and the British Way. Zhang Dongsun disagreed with the Russian bolshevism; in his view,  it was not consistent with the May Fourth spirit of democracy and social reform. By contrast, he was more inclined to the British guild socialism. However, he also believed that the guild socialism was irrelevant to China, because there were great differences between China and British in terms of social and political conditions. As such, his approval of the guild socialism was more of a response to the pressure from the time ; this was a time when a new school of intellectualsmust have his own doctrine and belief, so that this school would not be mistaken for a theory of promoting capitalism. Zhang’s argument for the British way in a way reflected the ideological and political dilemma of the middle-way intellectuals. This case also helps us understand the rise of the National Socialism in the 1920s. The historical memory of Zhang Dongsun as a guild Socialist should also be reconsidered in light of current discussion.
Key Words:  the Debates upon Socialism;  Zhang Dongsun;  the Russian Way;  the British Way;  British Guild Socialism

Three Pairs of Keywords in the Study of Beiyang Political History

 Li Xizhu

Some Ideas on the Research on Academic History of the Republic of China

 Li Fan

Expanding Views: Where is a Breakthrough in the Study of the Anti-Japanese War History?

  Li Li Jinzheng


The Paradigm and Trend of Researches on Jiang Jieshi in Western Academic World  Focusing on Works and Articles which are Published in English

Wei Bingbing

Research on the Local History of Beijing of The Republic of China in the Recent Ten Years

 Chen Peng

Book Review

Unscrambling the City under the Perspective of Gender Theory

   Cheng Weikun’s book: City of Working Women

 Yang Jianli

Historical Documents

Brief Annotation of Chan-han Wu Correspondence

Guo Shuanglin




稿 约

八、来稿请寄:北京市海淀区中关村大街59号 中国人民大学历史学院 郭双林收。



